
If You Think 'Organic' Food is 'Organic', Think Again

By TheHWNTeam

The last decade has witnessed an increased interest in things 'organic' as more and more consumers seek out products that are healthy, ethical, and environmentally friendly. Nowhere is this more evident that in the food industry. In fact, the organic food industry has gone from a cottage industry start up to a multi-billion dollar business in less than a decade. This is especially true in developed countries of North America and Europe where consumers can afford to choose.

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Global sales of organic food were estimated to be $40 billion in 2006 with the world organic market growing rapidly by about 20% annually since its infancy in the early 1990s. In the US, organic food products are the fastest growing sector of the food marketplace, up to 17 to 20% annually, whereas non-organic food sales only increased by 2 to 3% a year. Organic products accounted for 2.6% of total food sales in 2005.

Because of the rapid growth of the organic food industry, it is no surprise that big food companies and retailers have joined the act. The organic industry has become corporate. 73% of conventional supermarkets now have their own line of organic food products. Most of these products are milk, cheese, yogurt, fruit and vegetables. The Cornucopia Institute has drawn up a chart which shows how small organic food producers are actually connected with major corporations.
Because of these alliances, unlikely organic products are sprouting up everywhere including organic cheetos and organic McDonalds coffee. The new movie FOOD INC eloquently speaks to this issue.

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