
Facing Potential Epidemic Through Swine Flu

By Lydia Peru

Just as the memory of the Asian Flu slips from our consciousness a new virus makes an appearance. This new potential epidemic is known as the swine flu. Are we facing a new global health problem?

When we see illnesses develop in livestock and farm animals there is concern in the farming community. The dangers increase when those new strains cross over from the animal community to people. It is only after we see outbreaks of difficult or uncontrollable sickness that these contagious viruses such as the swine flu become a global issue.

What exactly is the swine flu? Well, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, tells us that many flu's are type A/H1N1, which means the type that is passed around through sneezing or coughing.

Its typically recommended that we wash our hands often to avoid the risk of picking up those pesky little viruses that have the potential to turn into a dangerous epidemic. When you use tissues they should be disposed of immediately and properly so that any viruses you may be harboring are stopped dead in their tracks.

We don't always take the time to clean up, and since a sneeze is designed to clear the irritants away from our body we can easily spread a virus without intent. What more can we do to improve our chance of avoiding viruses like the swine flu?

There are some easy to use solutions you can use in the home or office to create an environment that is healthier and free of potential viruses such as swine flu. One solution, amazingly low cost, is water purification drops.

You would think that water purification drops would have a single purpose, and yes they are the best method for purifying water, but there is more potential than is imaginable. When you use water purification drops such as sodium chlorite along with a food grade acidic activator, such as citric acid, you unlock the potential of those drops.

When mixed with its activating food based acid, the water purification drops become active, and seek out harmful pathogens such as the swine flu virus. These drops in this highly diluted form do no harm to healthy oxygenated tissues, so it is safe to use, and when done it turns to water and salt.

There are simple, easy steps we can take to creating a healthier environment for our work as well as at home. Water purification drops can give you that detoxification power without lingering smells or harmful chemicals that can irritate asthma or other health conditions like swine flu.

For more article on Swine Flu, Disease and Epidemics, Pure Water and other related topics, visit our Holistic Health blog One of the easiest low cost procedures for reducing viruses and bacteria in our environment is through water purification drops Find WPD and other water purification products at

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